9 Movie Endings That Oddly Reference Other Things

5. Dead Poets Society - Hook


Steven Spielberg's Hook ends with Peter Banning aka Peter Pan (Robin Williams) being reunited with his family and deciding to spend more time with them.

At this moment, aged Lost Boy Tootles (Arthur Malet) sprinkles himself with pixie dust and flies away, while shouting "Seize the day!" as Peter and his family look on ecstatically.

Tootles' quip might seem totally innocuous until you remember that the smash hit drama Dead Poets Society was released just two years prior, where Robin Williams' unorthodox English teacher John Keating famously quipped the very same phrase.

While ultimately a cute nod to Williams' prior role, it's still a bizarre reference to make in a Disney movie obviously aimed at children, the overwhelming majority of whom will have never even heard of Dead Poets Society - a drama about poetry, education, and suicide.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.