9 Movie Heroes Who Lived Long Enough To Become The Villain

8. Harrison Ford - What Lies Beneath

Tom Cruise Collateral

In blasting Stormtroopers and killing countless Nazis, Harrison Ford has secured his legacy by way of playing two of cinema's greatest heroes, Indiana Jones and Han Solo. But it wasn't until he took the lead in Robert Zemeckis' psychological thriller, What Lies Beneath, that was given the opportunity to play a villain - a clever turn of casting that took an otherwise by-the-numbers thriller into way more interesting territory.

Nobody had ever seen Ford play a bad guy when this film first came out, and so it was essentially impossible to anticipate the twist, in which his character - Dr. Norman Spencer - is revealed to be a violent murderer who covered up his past crimes and subsequently lied to his wife. Not at all the kind of thing that Indy would do.

Ford cleverly plays most of the film straight, never winking at the audience and saving most of the impressive stuff for the revelation, where he proceeds to go nuts in a convincing show of anxious madness that's very unlike him.

With this role, the man who was once the world's highest-grossing actor proved that - heroic actions aside - he could play both scary and nasty, and that (contrary to popular belief) there had been a secret string to his bow all along.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.