9 Movie Mistakes & Plot-Holes Confirmed By The Creators

7. The Continuity Mess-Up - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2

Captain America Civil War Stan Lee
Marvel Studios

We can thank James Gunn's activity on social media for a few things - some good, some bad - but if it wasn't for it, we wouldn't have had the entertaining Q+A sessions he was so happy to put together answering questions about his MCU work candidly.

In one such session, Gunn copped to messing up his timeline in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2. In one of that film's many mid-credits sequences, it's established that Stan Lee is indeed a Watcher, confirming a fan theory, and explaining all of his cameos.

Lee is seen explaining his different "characters" to the Watchers and mentions being a FedEx delivery man. The problem, as Gunn admitted, is that Vol 2 came before Civil War, where that particular cameo appeared, in the timeline:

"...Yes, I know I made a mistake. I'll own up to my mistake because Guardians of the Galaxy 2 theoretically happens in 2014... And Stan Lee in the movie says, 'That time I was the FedEx guy,' which is what he is in Civil War. I screwed up; I wasn't thinking, But I'm going to say that probably Stan Lee used the guise of a FedEx guy more than one time."

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.