9 Movie Prequels That Created Massive Plot Holes

3. How Did This World Become The World Of The Original Trilogy? - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past
20th Century Fox

Continuity was such a major sticking point in the X-Men series that Days Of Future Past was ostensibly there to eject the extraneous elements and present a more freed-up story. Given that the series ran on the same timeline since the first movie kickstarted the superhero genre back in 2000, that the various prequels created some major plot holes along to way is somewhat forgivable.

Strangely, in getting rid of those, Days Of Future Past introduced its own confusing logic leaps - there's no explanation of why Magento retained his powers, how Wolverine got his metal claws back or why Professor X is alive in his own body - although it's the historical elements that create genuine plot holes, rather than simple unanswered questions.

Before Wolverine jumped back to alter the flow of events, it's implied events were heading towards the world seen in the original trilogy. But how? Charles is a powerless recluse, Magneto is in an impenetrable jail and Mystique is starting a genuine war, three situations that have no sign of abating in a way to lead to the calm-ish world of the original trilogy. Seriously, are you meant to believe the Sentinels were active during all of Magneto's misadventures, yet were never called upon?

Some things are even more confusing; between the seventies and the present Bolivar Trask goes from being a dead Peter Dinklage to an alive Bill Duke (obviously the latter appearance is just an easter egg, but, given Marvel did Infinity War based off the Gauntlet appearing in the background of one shot of Thor, that's no excuse).

There's plenty of other disparities present across the X-Men movies (particularly Origins: Wolverine and First Class), but as Days Of Future Past was trying to clear it all up, making more mistakes stands out.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.