9 Movie Reboots That Were Actually Just Ripoffs

3. Psycho

Psycho Gus Van Sant's misguided take on Hitchcock's Psycho has been termed everything under the sun; it's a remake, it's a re-imagining, and given how it follows a film that spawned three sequels, I think it's safe to term it a reboot as well. It goes without saying that had 1998's Psycho done well - it didn't - other directors would have stepped up to the plate to film sequels, and we'd probably better know Vince Vaughn as a serial killer than as a wise-cracker who looks like he never sleeps. Though taking on Hitchcock is always a terrible idea, it might have suited Van Sant better to just try his own interpretation of the original novel rather than what is a depressingly familiar, near-shot for shot remake of the original film, the main differences being that it's filmed in colour and the cast is obviously different. Van Sant's intentions were to experiment with the idea of facsimile remakes, yet there's no doubt at all that had the film performed well, we would have had a glut of sequels from other filmmakers...
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.