9 Movie Truths Actors Won't Reveal

7. What Secrets Did Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman Tell Stanley Kubrick While Filming Eyes Wide Shut?

The Hateful Eight Walton Goggins
Warner Brothers

Stanley Kubrick's final film Eyes Wide Shut is a mesmerising examination of marriage and sexuality centered around couple Bill and Alice Harford (Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman), and to prepare for the drama, Cruise and Kidman underwent psychoanalysis sessions with the director.

In these sessions, Kubrick reportedly had the pair - who, at the time, were married in real life - confess their fears about their own marriage in an attempt to find parallels with the stricken couple they played on-screen,

With the trio making a confidentiality agreement for the sessions, Kidman claimed that they were "brutally honest," and that "Tom would hear things that he didn’t want to hear."

But given the high-profile nature of the duo's marriage and 2001 divorce, it's tough not to be curious about precisely what they dished on during those sessions. 

Between the secrecy pact and the fact that Kubrick passed away mere days after completing the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut, though, it'll surely be left to our imagination forever more.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.