9 Movie Truths Actors Won't Reveal

2. Was Chris Mannix Really The Sheriff? - Walton Goggins (The Hateful Eight)

The Hateful Eight Walton Goggins

Of the numerous narrative threads left hanging at the end of The Hateful Eight, the audience is left to ponder whether or not Chris Mannix (Walton Goggins) really was the newly appointed sheriff of Red Rock or not.

We know that Mannix claimed to be such, but given that the movie is premised around the potential dishonesty of all its central characters, there's no guarantee he's telling the truth.

In a recent interview with GQ, Walton Goggins was asked about this, and provided an insightful non-answer that charmingly won't satisfy anyone. He said:

"Am I the sheriff of Red Rock? You know, I asked Quentin that question and he said, 'That's for you to decide and I don't wanna know your answer.' And so I did decide, and no one will ever know my answer."

There you have it - Goggins is the only person on Earth who knows the truth, but he's fixing to take it to his grave.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.