1. Roy Batty
In Ridley Scotts Blade Runner, is there an actual villain? Maybe not a stone cold, black hat and all villain, but if were siding with the protagonist, Deckard, then surely the replicants (genetically created organic robots) hes charged with hunting down are the enemy. One of them, Leon, killed another detective looking for them and their arrival on Earth is illegal. So this gang of replicants should be stopped, then? What are they even doing whilst illegally coming to Earth? Trying to live longer than theyve been manufactured to. Hardly a crime, Im sure youll agree. Head of the group is Roy Batty, leading his men around but not actually causing any harm on his way to meet his maker, Tyrell. When he gets there, admittedly, Roy does kill Tyrell but only when he learns that extending his limited four year life span is impossible. Hes a Nexus-6 model athletic genius of a machine and he only gets four years to enjoy it. After finding out he cant increase his life span, he returns to Sabastians quarters (a man who had helped him get to Tyrell) to find Deckard has shot and killed Pris, another replicant who Batty seems to be in love with. Then, of course, theres the ending. One of THE endings in cinema history. After having chased Deckard through a building trying to kill him, Batty rescues Deckard who is about to fall off from a roof. Batty sits down, in the rain and tells Deckard that hes seen things you wouldnt believe. Batty has shown more mercy than the humans set to destroy him, yet
he is the one built to be dispensable. What about you guys? What villains do you think got the short end of the stick? Alternatively, are any of the entries just downright evil? Leave a comment below!