9 Must See 2012 Films Still To Come

8. Rise of the Guardians

The latest film from DreamWorks Animation is based on William Joyce€™s series of books, The Guardians of Childhood. If you€™ve ever wondered what happens to all of your favourite holiday icons on every other non-holiday day of the year, then you may be in luck. It seems Santa isn€™t all sugar, spice and everything nice. The film follows Jack Frost (Chris Pine) a boy who has no responsibilities other than bringing winter wherever he goes. Everything changes however when Pitch, The Boogeyman (Jude Law) hatches a plan to cover the world in total darkness. The Guardians, made up of Santa Claus (Alec Baldwin), the Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher), the Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman) and the Sandman seek out Jack to team up to put an end to Pitch€™s evil plan. It€™s an interesting concept and one which I have no doubt will be done justice by the geniuses at DreamWorks. Now all I want for Christmas is my own rag-tag band of heroes. I€™ve been good, honest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok0M25mpJl8 Rise of the Guardians will be released on November 30th.
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Student. Part-time Sales Assistant. Full-time Film Fanatic. I spend far too much time looking at pictures of dogs on Instagram.