9 Plot Holes That Totally Ruined Jurassic World

8. The Gyrospheres Can't Be Controlled Remotely?

Next up: the memorable scene in which Zach and Gray take a ride on what is arguably Jurassic World's most impressive attraction. It's the Gyrospheres, of course, those hi-tech ball-like things that allow visitors to drive around a large, open plain and experience the larger, kinder dinosaurs up close. This all goes wrong, you'll remember, when Zach takes the vehicle off-road, and the kids are attacked by the ferocious Indominus Rex. At this point, Claire - after shutting down the ride due to the escaped Indominus - realises that there's a Gyrosphere still out there. For some reason, though, the Gyrospheres can't be controlled remotely, which seems so unlikely that it has to qualify as a plot hole. Why wouldn't the tech team have designed the Gyrospheres so they can be steered remotely in the case of an emergency? Surely that would be a totally essential safety feature? And yet there's no such feature in place; park visitors are allowed to take complete control of their Gyrospheres for as long as they want, apparently, which makes no sense no matter how you try to justify it. It's a lazy conceit, essentially - and completely unbelievable.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.