9 Potential Ways Marvel May Have Screwed Up Thor: The Dark World

1. Cramming The Villains

Thor-Dark-World-38 We already have Malekith and Kurse as guaranteed villains in this movie, while Loki's presence will always be a risk, even if he's genuinely out to redeem himself. Even the likes of Tyr, who is confirmed as being in this movie, has also come to blows with Thor in the comic books. On top of all of those characters, there will obviously also be armies of generic bad guys (as seen in the trailers) and giant rock warriors, and that means that this movie is running the risk of suffering from a real villain overload. There's also a slim chance that the likes of the aforementioned Surtur could be in this movie as the mastermind behind Malekith's nefarious scheme and there has been a rumour that Benicio del Toro's Collector (who is set to be one of the main villains in next year's Guardians of the Galaxy) could cameo briefly. With all of that in mind, Marvel need to be aware of the potential problems associated with villain cramming - look at Spider-Man 3 for an example. Plus, Loki is already far more popular with audiences than the titular Thor €“ it would be a real shame if the latter was outshone by villains yet again. So there you have it; Nine potential ways that Marvel could still have screwed up Thor: The Dark World worse than they did with the Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Do you agree? What other mistakes do you think Marvel might have made? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter! Thor: The Dark World hits international cinemas on October the 30th and U.S. cinemas on November the 8th.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.