9 Reasons Why Big Trouble In Little China Is Still Awesome

2. It Has Some AMAZING Quotes

Big Trouble In Little China Kurt Russell

To start with, there’s the obvious, “It’s all in the reflexes,” and “have you paid your dues Jack? Yes sir, the cheque is in the mail.” But to look no further would leave a raft of gems untapped; gems that you can pull out at any point to entertain and amuse. Example: if you’re walking with friends and it starts to rain? You say “A brave man likes the feel of nature on his face, but a wise man has enough sense to get out of the rain,” as you duck under a young filly’s umbrella, much to her delight.

If you’ve done something awesome with someone (sex included, especially if the last quote led you to said situation) you say “we really shook the pillars of heaven, didn’t we Wang?” N.B. just re-read that last bit. Only use after sex if you are REALLY confident about your performance. And if you never want to have intercourse with that person again.

I could go on reeling out quote after quote from this film but “sooner or later I rub everyone up the wrong way.”


Victory never tastes as sweet unless you have first tasted the bitterness of defeat.