9 Reasons Zoolander 2 Is A Disappointment (And 2 It's Not)

1. Justin Bieber's Death Scene Is Awesome

If there's one thing the Zoolander 2 trailers probably shouldn't have given away, it's the assassination of Justin Bieber at the very beginning: it's a great scene with some genuinely superb action direction from Stiller, and concludes with Bieber getting wiped out in unexpectedly brutal fashion. If you love Bieber it's probably genuinely devastating, and if you hate him, well, you'll no doubt get plenty of satisfaction from it. Sadly though it's probably the best scene in the entire movie, and the remaining 90 minutes can't quite reach the same level of visually sharp action combined with utter lunacy. What are your expectations for Zoolander 2? Or have you been lucky enough to see it yet? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.