9 Reasons Zoolander 2 Is A Disappointment (And 2 It's Not)

9 Reasons It's A Disappointment

9. Kristen Wiig's Role Is Mostly Pointless

Kristen Wiig appears in Zoolander 2 as the villainous Eastern European fashion mogul Alexanya Atoz, and marketing largely played-up the idea that she would be the movie's primary villain. However, Wiig's role is surprisingly small throughout: she makes the most of it with a hammy accent and some hilarious mouth movements, but her screen time is chopped up and spread thinly, failing to establish much of a villainous presence as a result. Plus, once Will Ferrell's Mugatu shows up, she's pretty much shoved to the sidelines. Disappointing considering the effort that's clearly gone into her ridiculous make-up job, and Wiig's obvious chops as a performer.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.