9 Routine Things Movies Do To Set Up The Sequel

9. Return to a Sub-Plot Much More Important Than the Rest of the Movie

Perpetrator: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Something awesome happens in the first G.I. Joe film. The bad guys are able to make a "duplicate" of the President of the United States and get him to take the place of the real thing. The possibilities for this are practically limitless. It's something that could really drive the narrative of the current movie to something much bigger and better than it already is. Except that they only return to it right before we get smacked with the credits. The movie finds its climax in something else and comes to a completeness without ever trailing back to the aforementioned scenario as something foreboding that can be taken care of in one viewing. It's a means of setting up the plot in the first one so time doesn't have to be wasted in the sequel to explain what's what. The "second try" can go for a single-line, tell-not-show exposition if it wants to, which is awfully convenient, wouldn't you say?
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Cameron Carpenter is an aspiring screenwriter, current film and journalism student, and self-diagnosed cinephile, which only sounds bad in certain circles. Devoted fan of comics, movies, theater, Jesus Christ, Sidney Lumet, and Peter O'Toole, he sometimes spends too much time on his Scribd and comicbookmovie.com, but doesn't think you're one to judge, devoted reader. You can follow him on Twitter to watch him talk to people you didn't know exist. Oh, and Daredevil is quite the big deal around here (my head).