9 Scary Movies You're Too Pussy To Watch By Yourself This Halloween

8. The Thing (1982)

The Thing

Didn't think Kurt Russell would make an appearance on this list? Then you clearly haven't watched the most terrifying thing to survive the 80s (that wasn't a Sheen): John Carpenter's The Thing. More than 30 years later, The Thing still stands as one of the absolute creepiest creature flicks ever produced.

And it has nothing to do with the special effects (which, though a tad dated, are still realistic enough to provide some serious heeby-jeebies). Instead, it's all about the atmosphere. The slow-building, heart-pounding, no-my-hands-aren't-shaking-you-guys-I-just-have-that-Michael J. Fox-disease kind of eeriness.

Paranoia awaits at every turn. It's one of those classic "they want us to turn against each other" movies, where none of the characters know exactly what the hell is going on, but more importantly, neither does anyone in the audience. What is "the thing?" That's the one question pondered most frequently in this movie, and the one question that you don't want answered. Because when the answer comes, so does the involuntary release of your smelliest bodily fluids.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.