9 Scary Movies You're Too Pussy To Watch By Yourself This Halloween

2. Grotesque

Grotesque Movie Japan
Media Blasters

This extreme Japanese thriller could very well kill the notion of dating altogether. There's not a whole lot of plot to this one, just a simple premise: Rich medical professional kidnaps couple on their first date, takes them back to his home dungeon, and begins physically and psychologically torturing them for way, way, way too long. Here's a list of just some of the ways he tortures and mutilates the young couple:

Punctures stomach with a screwdriver Slowly slices through tongue Cuts off fingers (to make a necklace) Pops out an eyeball Pulls off nipples Forces one of them to pull out their own intestines

Oh, and he does all of this for his own perverse, sexual stimulation. If you were able to make it through reading that list without stopping to clean the vomit and tears off of your keyboard, then congrats on having a very unique superpower. Feel free to try finding this one somewhere, but know that an official release was banned in the UK, so you may have to dig a little harder to find this unrelenting exhibition of sadism. If that's your thing.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.