9 Terrible Movie Deaths That Ruined Great Villains

If you've got to go... don't go like this.

We expect our villains to receive some sort of comeuppance. That€™s why we watch films featuring clear cut heroes and villains, after all: to see in art what rarely happens in life, someone horrendous getting their just desserts. Of course, those things don€™t always dovetail together so neatly. Not every villain has to die, for example €“ maybe there€™s more story to be squeezed out of this rivalry, or maybe killing simply isn€™t something that should happen in this kind of film. If they do have to die, then it should be commensurate with all the nasty stuff they€™ve done. If it€™s too small a punishment, we feel cheated; if it€™s too great a punishment, we€™ll feel bad for them. The audience wants spectacle €“ but it has to be the right kind of spectacle. We€™re all just sitting in a dark theatre, waiting patiently for the right things to happen to the right people in order that we can get a kind of closure that real life won€™t give us. Here€™s a selection of movie villains that didn€™t get the deaths they deserved...

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.