One of numerous punch-lines in the test footage has Juice Newton's Angel of the Morning play over the title card while a victorious Deadpool lets out a sigh and mutters to himself "fuck me." It's a great end to the clip that really shows an understanding of the character. And it certainly won't be in the film; according to Schmoes Know one of the conditions of the film getting green-lit was that it would come with a PG-13 rating. On the one hand this is to be expected - if the character's going to link to X-Men there needs to be some recognition with a younger audience. The days of an intense, gory property (RoboCop, Terminator) having some child-friendly facets are long gone. But it seems totally counter to the whole ethos of the project and character in general. The script Reese and Wernick have been working on has long been reported as being a strong R, while the February release date seems much more suited to an adult film - 300, Sin City and Watchmen all came out in the first quarter of the year. With swearing and gore central to much of the character's appeal, how could a family-friendly Deadpool be anything but neutered (see X-Men Origins: Wolverine). The same reports of the PG-13 rating say the compromise was only made because the screenwriters found a way to still maintain the essence of the character, but after this seeming like a damn near ideal project it lends a niggling sense of doubt. What do you make of the upcoming Deadpool movie? Will it be awesome or another Wolverine-level dud? Discuss everything to do with the movie below.