9 Unfairly Underrated Movie Villains From The 21st Century

1. Lola - The Loved Ones

Hellboy Kroenen
Paramount Pictures

Unrequited affection is a painful thing, especially when confronted in the tumultuous period of one's youth. Still, as excruciating as adolescent spurning can be, it's not quite on a par with getting a !*$% power drill to the skull.

This distinction seems to elude Lola Stone, an intensely awkward high-schooler who lacks any semblance of proportion when it comes to getting revenge. It should go without saying but if a boy rejects your invitation to prom, then kidnapping him is hardly an appropriate response. Nor is injecting bleach into his voice-box, or nailing his feet to the ground with kitchen utensils. That is unless you're certifiable.

To be fair, Lola's not entirely to blame for her unbalanced conduct. After all, her father is there every step of the way to enable his little ''princess'', indulging her every whim and doing all the dirty work for her. Not only is their relationship patently demented, but there is even a suggestion that it might be borderline incestuous, which just adds to the list of reasons to list of reasons to hate this nutjob pairing.

Out of everyone we've covered here, Lola is perhaps the most neglected. Featuring in a relatively unknown, independently financed horror (as opposed to Oscar Bait or a Summer Blockbuster), she doesn't have the same platform as a lot of the others villains on our list. With that in mind, it's high time that someone called attention to this vindictive little monster. That way, everyone else will have the opportunity to experience her loathsome schemes, as well as her pleasingly cathartic downfall.

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Perpetually cynical and prone to excessive rants. Talents include proficient nitpicking, condescending to people and also typing.