9 Upcoming 2014 Movies That Are Most Likely To Catch Us By Surprise

1. How To Catch A Monster

Ryan Gosling€™s fame trajectory has always been perplexing to me as it seems many of the roles he takes are in films that are anything but mainstream. And yet, he€™s one of the most famous faces in Hollywood. So audiences were naturally intrigued when said actor announced he was finally stepping behind the camera for the first time to direct a uniquely dark project featuring no less than the Eleventh Doctor himself playing a character by the name of Bully. Not much is known about the premise for the film other than that it stars Christina Hendricks (Mad Men, Drive) as a single mother getting involved with some unsavory characters in a dark underworld. Hendricks has proven in the past that she has the talent and presence to own a leading lady role. Gosling will finally be giving her the chance to do so. And while we really have no idea what to expect from Gosling as a director, he€™s less of a wildcard than Jon Stewart. His taste in projects shows a sincere appreciation for challenging cinema and it€™s safe to assume that for his first outing as a director, he wants to make a big impression and prove that he€™s every bit as good a director as he is an actor. Many will unfairly dismiss this as another actor simply throwing his weight and ego around. And time will surely tell, but if twenty years from now, Gosling wins his first Oscar for directing instead of acting, you can look no further than right here to see the writing was on the wall the whole time. Or it could be terrible. Who knows, really?

Ryan is a film school dropout now getting by as a social worker in the Providence, Rhode Island area.