9 Upcoming 2014 Movies That Are Most Likely To Catch Us By Surprise

3. Rosewater

Despite Jon Stewart being a respected presence in American political commentary, his forays into cinema have been less than highly regarded (though, I will maintain that Death to Smoochy is a misunderstood gem). That looks set to change dramatically this year as Stewart tackles the true story of Maziar Bahari, a journalist imprisoned and interrogated for over three months in Iran during their 2009 presidential election. This film, more than any other on this list, is a wildcard because there is not a single indication of what to expect from Stewart as a director either from the perspective of style or the reception he€™ll receive. It could go the way of awards-level prestige picture or it could be an especially disturbing, brutal political drama that is respected, but puts off audiences at large. It€™s exceptionally difficult to place your bets on any one film in a given year catching you off guard, but with such a familiar face in such unfamiliar territory, it€™s safe to say we really have no idea what to expect here. And in a year where we€™re expecting either a reboot or a sequel seemingly every weekend this summer, that€™s a genuinely exciting prospect.

Ryan is a film school dropout now getting by as a social worker in the Providence, Rhode Island area.