9 Upcoming Movies That Are Tricking You (But Not How You Think)

2. Mysterio Won't Become The Villain...Not Yet - Spider-Man: Far From Home

Peter Mysterio Far From Home
Marvel Studios

What You're Expecting

The first post-Endgame trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home is jam-packed with surprises, not least that the film appears to be depicting Quentin Beck aka Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) as a heroic character who helps out Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and become a mentor to Peter Parker (Tom Holland).

This of course runs counter to his antagonistic role in the comics, prompting most fans to assume that there will be a mid-film turn in which Beck's villainy is revealed, leading to a climactic battle between himself and Peter.

The REAL Trick

Marvel Studios has gotten extremely good at misleading audiences by layering twists on top of other twists, and a simple Mysterio villain reveal doesn't really seem smart enough.

However, it now seems that there may be a double-twist of sorts, and Mysterio will indeed remain a heroic character for the entire movie, with his turn being saved for the third MCU Spider-Man film.

In a recent interview, producer Eric Carroll discussed the Mysterio issue and stated that they wanted to give Beck time with Peter to really sell the eventual betrayal, while comparing his characterisation to Doctor Strange's Baron Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), who only turned heel in the closing moments of that movie.

It's definitely likely that Far From Home will at least hint at Beck's villainous potential, but unless Carroll is simply trying to tie fans up in knots here, his comments seem to suggest that we won't get a third-act CGI battle between Spidey and Mysterio.

Given that an actor of Gyllenhaal's calibre could certainly do brilliant things with Mysterio as a recurring character, it makes all the sense in the world not to rinse him on a single film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.