9 Violent Mainstream Movie Scenes That Went Too Far

5. The Elevator Scene (Obviously) - Drive

2011's Drive is an excellent piece of pop art, with it's hyper-realism and stark color palette creating some very striking, beautifully crafted scenes. This is not quite one of those. While in an elevator with his newfound love interest, Ryan Gosling's character silently expresses his intent to her by embracing her in a deep, warm, Notebook-style kiss.

But there's someone else in the elevator with them. And that man must die. And Driver knows this even before he plants one on his lady. And so the tone switches in a heartbeat to that of intense ultra-violence, Driver bashing this man (whose motivations are intentionally vague) into the wall headfirst, then tossing him to the ground and stomping the ever-loving hell out of his brain bucket. In a matter of seconds, his head is just a pile of skull fragments and torn skin chunks.

Why does he continue his assault after the guy is obviously dead? Is the ability to liquifying someone's face an inherent skill, or was he trained to do this? We don't get those answers. Instead, we just accept someone being stomped on until their heart stops beating and/or their head gets mashed into a chunky pudding because it "looks cool." (Which, to be fair, it totally does.)


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.