9 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Could End

5. A Timeline Restart

Marvel Studios/20th Century Fox

One of the biggest elements of comics that has only appeared sparingly on the big screen is the use of time travel or alternate dimensions to create other, interestingly different timelines. In stark contrast to its prevalence, the only real use of this was X-Men: Days Of Future Past, and even there the complexity and extremeness of the dystopian future was greatly reduced.

It's only a matter of time before these ideas take hold, however - as mainstream audiences get more accustomed to comic book logic the geek-ier elements can emerge - and when they do this provides an in-built way to end the current MCU without stopping the cash-cow; have an alternate timeline pop-up a la Star Trek that wipes the slate clean and allows for creative recasting and correction of previous mistakes (Iron Man 2) without damaging any of the well-established brands.

There'd be a tangible link through the reboot here too, which means MCU fans don't have to enter with the same cynicism a "remake" usually brings with it. Alternate universes are traditionally more DC's bag than Marvel's, but there's enough of a retconning tradition for the the latter that it wouldn't be too out of character.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.