A Nightmare On Elm Street: 10 Ways The Reboot Can Make It Work

2. A Freddy With Charisma And Personality

By far the biggest failing of Bayer's reboot was in its depiction of Freddy Krueger himself. Jackie Earle Haley is a fine actor in his own right (his Rorschach is a thing to behold) but he simply wasn't Freddy. Much of that was out of his hands - predetermined by his just not being Robert Englund - but this Freddy was mumbly and dim-witted, lacking the magnetism and charisma that people associate with the character. This hypothetical new Freddy needs that sense of je ne sais quoi, at ease whether cracking wise or busy at murder. It's hard, even now, to think of someone else playing Krueger, but with Haley as the unfortunate buffer zone, hopefully there's enough distance now for another to come on and make the role his own. Suggestions? Rather you than me...

A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.