A word of caution about Lucas Film, "Don't believe their lies"

Guy Pearce in Memento? He writes down all those notes on the back of photographs of people he meets so knows exactly who they are because he suffers from memory loss? You know Teddy... "Don't believe his lies". Well I would say that about Lucas Film. I've now become fairly confident in saying that the Indiana Jones character will live on with Shia LaBeouf after next year's film whether we like it or not. And remember folks, this is George Lucas character... of course he's going to milk it out... just like there will be more Star Wars films and t.v. shows... Filmstalker have the following quote from Lucas Film Director of Publicity John Singh found over at MTV Movies Blog...

"That€™s purely a rumor...Idle chatter among Internet fans."
Although I would say nothing is concrete, I do believe in the back of their minds they have this strategy for further movies all planned out.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.