Adam Sandler: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

4. Reign Over Me (2007)

Going in to Reign Over Me, my expectations were admittedly quite low. After all Sandler is known not for his serious performances, but for his penchant for straight comedy and when a performer jumps from silly to serious against their typecast, the results are often shall we say ungraceful (case in point: Jack Black in 2005€™s King Kong). Sandler surprised me in Reign Over Me though. While the film itself is of questionable artistic merit (it€™s €˜weight€™ is provided not by a particularly amazing script but by its post 9/11 setting) Sandler actually, surprisingly, manages to carry it well on his shoulders. Going in, I knew that Sandler would flounder in this role, but leaving afterwards, I have to say I was forced to eat my words. Not only is he bearable in the film as 9/11 widower Carlie Fineman, he€™s actually deeply convincing, even moving. Whether you loved Reign Over Me or hated it, it€™s a glowing reference to the fact that Sandler can act.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.