Adrian Mole: Casting A Movie Adaptation

Brian Blessed as Michael Flowers

Who Is He? Adrian€™s bombastic and opinionated father-in-law who has a fixation for living an eco-friendly lifestyle. Why Brian Blessed? For starters, there is nothing that can€™t be improved by Brian Blessed being in it. Secondly, the role just screams Brian Blessed to me. Flowers is a physically imposing man with a loud voice and a long beard who loves the sound of his own voice and will never accept he€™s wrong. It€™s a role that€™s practically made for Blessed.

Isy Suttie as Marigold Flowers

Who Is She? Adrian€™s girlfriend and later fiancée in The Weapons Of Mass Destruction. Clingy and badly dressed with a fondness for building doll-houses she€™s a needy manipulative mess. Adrian desperately tries to end his engagement with her only to be pulled back in by her lie that she€™s having his baby. Why Isy Suttie? Although her character Peep Show is quite self-confident, Isy Suttie really nails the character type of the misfit. Which is Marigold in a nutshell. A needy but scarily devious nutshell. Plus, I don€™t know why, but physically she just feels like she fits the part.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.