After Skyfall: 10 Recording Artists Who Could Perform the Next Bond Theme

1. Underworld/ Daft Punk/ The Chemical Brothers

Here, I€™m thinking an opening number similar to that of Dr. No or On Her Majesty€™s Secret Service, in that there isn€™t one. Purely an instrumental opening, but oh, how awesome would it be. All three choices come under one because they are all similar in that they produce dance music but come up with blinding movie scores, be it to Hanna, Tron Legacy or Sunshine. I guess you could suggest Oribtal as well- basically, any of these fellas would do a bang-up job, and it would be something very different, but a brilliant blend of orchestral and electronic . All of them come from vaguely similar backgrounds, so I simply couldn€™t choose one, because they€™re all brilliant at the same thing in very different ways. But I hope you get my point in choosing them. So, there we are. Will it be one of these choices? Will the producers pull a Shirley Bassey and get Adele back again? Or will they muck it up and choose someone dreadful for what will probably be an awesome follow-up to Skyfall? Please give your suggestions below, or tweet me @IAmOscarHarding.

Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding