After The Dark Knight Rises: 10 Directors Who Should Reboot Batman

7. Robert Rodriguez

A sinful, plup Batman... Limited CV: Spy Kids (Franchise), Machete, Planet Terror, Sin City, The Faculty, From Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado, El Mariachi The erratic Robert Rodriguez might seem like something of an outside choice for the Batman franchise, but don€™t write him off just yet. Don€™t forget the fact that he already has a directorial credit on one of the most critically acclaimed and faithful comic book adaptations out there, Sin City. Rodriguez and Nolan couldn€™t be further from each other in terms of style and if Rodriguez did ever pick up the job for himself, then the Batman franchise would most likely veer down completely different avenues than we're used to. But don't be scared of change; Nolan did the very same thing with Batman Begins and we loved him for it. Why not allow Rodriguez and Frank Miller to work together on crafting a highly stylised, pulpy feel to Batman... something more akin to The Dark Knight Returns with characters who are exaggerations of what they are on the page? Who wouldn't want a Frank Miller style Batman voice-over? With his humble grindhouse beginnings, his emphasis on stylishly photographed action and his previous experience in the genre, Rodriguez may well be the perfect candidate to reshape the Batman franchise into something that properly connects with a future Justice League movie. Rodriguez's Batman: Highly stylised, pulp gangster movie on crack

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.