After The Dark Knight Rises: 5 Reasons a Batman Reboot Must Happen

1. New Talent

In order to create a new vision for Batman, new artists must be brought in and allowed to flourish. People are sad to see team Nolan leave because the guy is good as what he does. He's a fantastic script writer (along with his brother Jonathon), a precise and economical director, and populates his films with amazing actors. At this point he has become a sure thing, and so it€™s understandable that fans don€™t want him to leave. It€™s comforting knowing that someone so talented is in charge of a franchise that you care about, and so his leaving leaves us with uncertainty about Batman€™s future in the movie business. It is entirely possible that the next iteration of Batman on film will be terrible. However, we must remember that with risk comes the possibility of reward. Nolan himself is a perfect example of this. He had only made three films before Batman Begins, all of which were small scale productions, and had never directed an action film on such a large scale. Despite this, WB saw his ideas and took a risk that more than paid off. Nolan€™s leaving opens the door for other talented people to create their own Batman film, and this goes for directing all the way to casting. We are so used to seeing Christian Bale play Batman in his way, but who knows what other actors will bring to the character. In fact, it is entirely possible that whoever plays Batman next may even top Bale. I can€™t be the only person who wants to see another interpretation of the Joker played by another actor. What Ledger did was amazing, but the character is bigger than any one actor or writer. Same goes for all the other characters. We€™ve been lucky enough to witness some of the best actors of our time portray some of the greatest characters in popular culture, but it is time to allow more great actors to bring new and interesting aspects to these timeless characters. As long as WB allows whom ever they hire the freedom to direct and cast the film as the see fit, the passion will be apparent in the final product. See? A Batman reboot isn't so bad. Agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments section, and thanks for reading!

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.