After The Hobbit: 10 Reasons Peter Jackson Must Make The Silmarillion

2. It Could Lead To A Clone Wars-Esque Spinoff Series

star-wars-the-clone-wars-20 One of the few things George Lucas got right about the Star Wars prequels, in my opinion, is The Clone Wars animated TV series. These series tell the tale of what happened in the Clone Wars, which broke out at the end of Episode II and ended in Episode III. This includes greater insight into the characters of Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi, as well as more details on other elements of the Old Republic, including relations between the Jedi and the clone troopers and tensions between core and periphery worlds. These cartoons give Star Wars fans more of what they crave, gives kids an accessible entry into the Star Wars expanded universe, and guarantees LucasFilm€”and now Disney€”a steady stream of Star War-related revenue. I could see a similar spinoff from Silmarillion films. Even with seven films, there€™s no way Jackson could depict everything going on in Tolkien€™s history. A TV series could show some of the cool back story of people like Beren€”who adventured in the wilderness before meeting Luthien€”or Turin, who led a company of outlaws for awhile. Yes, it might become an attempt to make as much money as possible from Tolkien€™s stories, but it would also give us chance to watch all of The Silmarillion. I could live with that.

Peter Henne hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.