Age Of Ultron: 10 Things You Might Have Missed In The New Trailer

1. Ultron €“ In The Flesh!

More than anything, though, the Age Of Ultron trailer finally gave audiences their first proper look at James Spader as Ultron. So long as they were paying attention. There was a brief clip after the trailer seemed to €œend€ for one thing, with the despotic robot posing amongst some dramatic background. He was also slap bang in the middle of the trailer, being only the second time Spader's voice and the CGI character have been in alignment. Spader's casting was surrounded by much speculation when it was announced. How exactly would the Sex, Lies And Videotape star be appearing? Was he going to do motion capture? Were they going to try and squeeze him into a tin foil suit? The early teasers didn't explain much, mainly using his silky tones for portentous voice overs. Now, though, viewers have been brought face to face with the architect of the Avengers' seeming destruction. Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner gets to actually say the name €œUltron€ out loud for the first time, which is a pretty big deal, and the android in question actually responds, too. Most excitingly, though, he's firing big old red lasers out of his hand. Seems about enough to tear the Avengers apart from the inside out. This guy's got vision. Now if only he had The Vision...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at