Alternative Oscars: The Nominees & Winners For Every Category

5. Best Actress

Arrival Amy Adams
Paramount Pictures

WINNER: Amy Adams (Arrival)

Amy Adams was curiously snubbed by the Academy for her arguably career-best work in Denis Villeneuve's magnificent sci-fi film, a performance all the more impressive considering how much of the film rests on its shoulders and the initial ambiguity of what Adams' character is experiencing.

It's also extremely rewarding to watch the movie a second time and interpret an entirely different dimension to Adams' performance with the knowledge of what she's seeing.

While perhaps not as flashy as sure-to-be-winner Emma Stone's work in La La Land (which just barely missed the cut here), Adams' subtle, challenging turn leaves a far greater lasting impact.


2. Natalie Portman (Jackie)

3. Viola Davis (Fences) - despite what the Academy might tell you, it's not a supporting performance.

4. Annette Bening (20th Century Women)

5. Isabelle Huppert (Elle)


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.