The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 10 Things It Did Right

2. It Genuinely Feels Like A Comic Book

Unlike some very serious, bombastic comic book movies we've seen in recent years, one of the best things about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is that it really feels like a comic book playing out on the big screen, much like Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 did when it was released to rave reviews almost ten years ago. Aside from clinging to a sense of goofy fun (as mentioned in the previous point), though, certain aspects seem to have been purposely ramped up to ridiculous levels in order to heighten the comic book feel - at least, we hope that they were. Which is to say, the villain motivations for both Harry Osborn and Electro are noticeably weak: so much so, in fact, that they are almost parodies of bad guys. Whereas it's possible to write this off as... well, bad writing, it's far better to embrace the flimsy nature of their villainy - especially Electro's - and enjoy the movie, instead, for what is is: comic book hijinks. And it's not just vague motivations that render this as intended comic book fare; the catchphrases, the jokes... they're all hilariously terrible. And there's even a caricatured German doctor!

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