David O. Russell has recently skyrocketed to top-tier "watch whatever he puts out without question" director status. His previous two films have both received Academy Award Nominations for directing. Christian Bale was brought to a Supporting Actor win for portraying nonfictional drug addict Richard "Dicky" Eklund in boxing bio-drama The Fighter. Two years later, 23 year old Jennifer Lawrence would win Best Actress for portraying an emotionally traumatized widow in The Silver Linings Playbook; a darkly comedic film centered on two mentally unstable heartbroken young adults falling in love. American Hustle is the auteur's latest film centered on ABSCAM (an FBI sting operation in the late 1970's) investigating con men in New Jersey that were entangled with the mafia. ABSCAM was factual but the film characters portrayed are fictional. The newly released trailer seemingly gives off vibrations of another black comedy filled with intriguing dramatic flare and human resonance. Even more exciting is the cast which is an amalgamation of multiple participants from The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook. We also finally got an extended look at these modern day actors rocking those wacky 70's hairdos. American Hustle is Directed by David O. Russell and stars Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Robert De Niro, and Louis CK. It is slated for release on Christmas Day with Oscar contender written in the stars.