"An orgy for my eyes"

twilight-new-moon-header1David Chen of Slash Film is right. It is more interesting to watch the youtubed reactions of over excitable Twilight fans to the trailer for the November released sequel New Moon than it is to watch the actual trailer itself. I honestly wish I could go into a time machine and skip forward 10 years from now and show them this video when they have a husband and a family; when they have a 9 to 5 and are working their ass off each day just to get by. When reality has taken over their sense of fantasy, and they have more things on their mind than shouting too each other... "He is sooooo HOT and totally my perfect guy. I am in love with Edward". Do they even know he isn't a real person? In 2019, will they feel embarrassed over those few years when they got completely caught up in this tweeny romance saga?

I know we're no different, the fanboy or the comic book geek which I firmly and proudly apart of... ...except for the fact that we can laugh about ourselves, I think. We are much more self aware about our obsessions and they last longer too (which I can't decide is a good or bad thing?). We are nostalgic for things we liked when we were five or six and yeah, we spend way too much money and time on recapturing that lost innocence but these Twilight fans are hitting the craze now and love what they are seeing at this moment in time - it's not nostalgia for them. Is it part of growing up? I really don't know. Anyway the real trailer is below and I'll say this much. This universe has gotten a lot bigger than what it hinted at when I first saw the trailer for movie no. 1 (I never saw the film itself). And I love that Michael Sheen is in it, and kicking ass and taking names. And I have to say it actually feels like a proper, big movie now rather than some crappy STV romance crap that the first movie did. So congrats I guess to Chris Weitz for that.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.