Annihilation Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs

1. The Wildly Inconsistent CGI Quality

Annihilation Deer

Annihilation is an incredibly ambitious film both thematically and aesthetically, and Alex Garland should absolutely be praised for delivering such a stylish and visually bold project on a rather moderate $55 million budget.

However, there are clearly sequences - especially in the movie's third act - where the budgetary restrictions have obviously impacted the fidelity of the visual effects, resulting in some CGI creatures and phenomena not quite looking up to par with the rest.

It's certainly a case of Garland's vision exceeding the utility of the tools at his disposal - there are many worse drawbacks for a movie to have, for sure - but the overall inventiveness is strong enough that most audiences shouldn't care all that much.

And now these minor complaints are dealt with, here's everything that really works in Annihilation...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.