Another Filthy Kevin Smith Movie

When aspiring filmmakers attempt to break into the movie business with their own film, they often resort to shocking and/or disgusting elements to get noticed. That's why so many new filmmakers begin as horror directors, because horror films are (a) cheap, (b) easy to make, and (c) make a quick impression with gore and fear. Kevin Smith, however, broke into the movie business with a foul-mouthed indie comedy called Clerks. The screenplay got Smith noticed in Hollywood, mainly because it was loaded with the kind of profane jokes that nobody else was attempting. Smith was allowed to direct more films based solely on his ability to craft nasty-but-memorable dialogue, despite the fact that he is a pedestrian director with very little vision or focus. In fact, time has proven Smith to be more of a marketer than a filmmaker; he spends most of his effort selling little fucking dolls on his website rather than creating tangible cinematic achievements. He's like a lobotomized slacker Tarantino, and that's saying something. His newest film, Cop Out, looks like much more of the same "shock 'em" nonsense that has defined his entire career. It's as if Smith never realized that he actually made it in Hollywood, and is still resorting to cheap techniques in order to get noticed. Why else would anyone need to make yet another movie comprised of dick jokes? This new red-banded trailer for Cop Out shows off some nice chemistry between stars Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis. It also shows approximately 137 dick jokes, all of which have been done in various ways a million times already. Anyone who laughs at this limp shit needs to (a) see more movies, or (b) graduate from sixth grade. Rather than make movies, I wish Smith would just get it over with and go suck dick in some seedy gas station gloryhole. Frankly, I would prefer it if Smith did anything else, just as long as it did not involve movies. Like sell toys on his website, for instance. Here is the red-banded trailer for everyone who is old enough, or smart enough to put in a fake birthdate:


All you need to know is that I love movies and baseball. I write about both on a temporary medium known as the Internet. Twitter: @rayderousse or @unfilteredlens1 Go St. Louis Cardinals!