Ant-Man: 10 Key Questions We Want Answered

9. Who Are The Additional Cast Playing?

Bobby Cannavale, Michael Peña, Abby Ryder Fortson, Judy Greer, David Dastmalchian, Wood Harris, Gregg Turkington, T.I. and Martin Donovan have all been cast in this movie in as yet unspecified roles, meaning that only Hank Pym, Scott Lang, Darren Cross, Janet Van Dyne and Howard Stark have actually been specified as named characters so far. Therefore, it is quite intriguing to imagine who the rest of the cast could be playing. Is there an outright villain amongst them? Are there any other characters from the comics? Do any of the unnamed characters link the named characters to existing people and/or organisations in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Only time will tell, but we're excited to find out. Michael Peña's character has been named as "Castillo", but it's not clear if that's just a working title and, even if it's not, we're unsure who that could actually be.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.