Ant-Man: 10 Ways It Can Link To The Avengers

7. Thunderbolt Ross

To date, The Incredible Hulk seems to be the most forgettable film of the MCU. No one from that movie€™s cast has returned, and the only real mentions of it have been extremely minor, despite Tony Starks' appearance at the end where he tells Thunderbolt Ross that they€™re putting a team together. But then that was it; presumably, that idea was written off with the line in The Avengers about how The Avengers Initiative was scrapped. However, a new piece of information has popped up regarding Ant-Man. Apparently there are some scenes set in the 1960s and one of these scenes involves Pym clashing with a soldier by the name of Ross. It gets even better. Reportedly, the post-credits stinger will feature William Hurt's Thunderbolt Ross appearing to Pym in the modern-day, directly spinning out of Age of Ultron, and Ross trying to recruit Pym for the pro-registration side of the fight.

Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website,