Ant-Man 2 Director Wants An All-Female Avengers Movie

For all of the issues with the DCEU, the one really big positive of Warner Bros and DC's approach to comic book movies at the minute is their unfaltering commitment to giving female superheroes more of a platform than any of their rivals. They've got a bunch of projects already in the works and it's taken Marvel until this year to even have a female character in a title.
Sure, the MCU has the Captain Marvel and Black Widow movies coming, but they could do with more solo projects for female characters and maybe even a team-up movie like DC's Birds Of Prey. And if that were to happen, there's already a good candidate to lead the Aveng-Hers - as some tabloid headline writers would probably delight in calling it - if Peyton Reed got his own way.
The Ant-Man & The Wasp director told Huffington Post that Wasp should lead an all-female Avengers movie when asked about her role in such a movie:
"I’d like her running things. I’d like to see her as the head of the all-female Avengers. I know Evangeline sort of said ... maybe that would be Captain Marvel, because she does have the word 'captain' in her name. But I think Hope van Dyne is a very decisive leader and a tactician, in addition to being a brilliant scientist. So she checks a lot of boxes in terms of who’s going to be running the Avengers, theoretically."
Captain Marvel might be the more obvious candidate, given her powers, but Wasp has been around longer (though Black Widow has obviously been around even longer again) and she would make a good leader.
Whether the movie will get made remains to be seen, but we know that the actors who could be involved - including Evangeline Lilly and Tessa Thompson - are keen on the idea. So Kevin Feige might well have something up his sleeve.
Would you like such a movie?