Ant-Man: 6 Major Implications For Marvel Phase 3

5. The Wasp

Ant-Man's mid-credits scene features Hank Pym giving Hope Van Dyne a new-fangled Wasp suit, complete with comic-character-accurate, but potentially impractical, wings. It's not only the denouement of Pym's character arc, seeing him finally come to terms with his wife's death and thus opening Michael Douglas' character to more down the line, but turns Hope from being just the MCU's strongest female love interest into a key hero in the franchise going forward. After much speculation, this final scene confirms that Hope is the films' main version of The Wasp, in print a founding member of The Avengers and a key partner to Ant-Man. Quite when this will happen is currently unclear. There's been nothing to suggest that Evangeline Lilly is in Civil War, so it'll likely be something further down the line. The obvious film to do it would be Ant-Man 2 (as Spider-Man proved, that announced slate is subject to change), although given the increasingly ensemble nature of the standalone films it could be anything, from Captain Marvel to Avengers: Infinity War. No matter which one it is, given this overt tease and the fact the actress has signed a multi-film contract, it's definitely a case of "when" rather than "if".

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.