Ant-Man: 8 Moments From The Trailers (Not In The Film)

1. "I'm Ant-Man... I Know, It Wasn't My Idea"

The Trailer Moment: Used as a punchline in several trailers was the moment where Scott announces himself as Ant-Man, only to apologise for the deemed stupidity of the name; "It wasn't my idea." Ha? Where Was It: This moment is particularly misleading. The editing of the trailers suggested this came during a showdown between Yellowjacket and Ant-Man, but the setting is the roof of the New Avengers facility, suggesting this comes from the skirmish with Falcon. Neither line fits within the brief exchange (Scott doesn't reveal his identity and doesn't have time to make things jovial in film), which suggests it was either shot for the trailer or is a window into a key script change. The latter is more interesting; this is one of Ant-Man's most overtly universe-building scenes and was thus subject to change depending on how the development of other movies went. It's likely during production it was decided Falcon wouldn't know who Ant-Man is in Captain America: Civil War and the scene needed changing. The funnier exchange was obviously kept for the trailer though. Were there any other moments from the Ant-Man trailers that were missing from the finished film? Shout out any we missed down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.