Ant-Man And The Wasp: 11 Big Implications Of Marvel's Announcement
Little just got big again.
Obviously, it goes without saying that the biggest implication for Ant-Man is that his first film - a relatively muted success - was deemed to be enough of a success to classify Ant-Man as a financially viable property. While Captain Marvel fans might think that that revelation only damages their heroine's potential to make it to the big screen, it should be classed as a good thing for the creative diversity of the MCU. And it eases pressure on the likes of Captain America, Thor and Iron Man to release more sequels in search of increasingly large box office hauls. Yes, it might have been nice to hear something concrete about Captain Marvel or the other forgotten property of phase 3 - The Inhumans - but no good news should ever be classed as a bad thing. And there are a lot of significant implications of the announcement that should shape how fans think of the MCU going forward. Mostly positively...