Ant-Man And The Wasp: 5 New Characters To Look Forward To

3. Sonny Burch

Ant Man And The Wasp Ghost
Marvel Studios

The character of Sonny Burch first appeared in Marvel Comics back in 2003, an antagonist of Iron Man whose history was short-lived, as he committed suicide after his selfish ways blew up in his face. In the grand scheme of things, he's a drop in the bucket of Marvel lore, but his comic connection to Cross Technologies has given his cinematic counterpart a chance to be similarly connected on screen.

With Darren Cross having been killed by the end of Ant-Man and with Hank Pym's world seemingly falling apart in Ant-Man and the Wasp, it seems as though Sonny Burch will be attempting to claim Pym's technologies and research for himself. As seen in the trailer, Burch spends a whole lot of time being pursued by our heroes after he makes off with the miniaturized Pym building, but whether it's for a far more nefarious purpose or simply out of good, old-fashioned corporate greed remains to be seen.

Thanks to the casting of Walton Goggins, it's hard not to hope that there's more to Sonny than just being a disposable villain-of-the-week, as the actor has proven himself more than capable of gifting us with complex performances in the past, and even though all eyes are on the film's more outwardly intriguing antagonist - who we'll be getting to next - we shouldn't discount the idea that there may be more up Sonny's sleeve than expected.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!