Anthony Hopkins: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. The Elephant Man (1980)

Paramount Pictures

Who knew that David Lynch was capable of making a film that would have audiences wiping away tears in droves? His sublime masterpiece The Elephant Man, based on the true story of Joseph Merrick, a hideously deformed man with a gentle soul, earned 8 Academy Award nominations (including Best Picture), though curiously did not decide to include Hopkins in its honours, despite giving one of the very best performances of his entire career.

Hopkins plays Dr. Treves (Hopkins), who takes pity on Merrick and decides to study him, at first out of morbid interest and for his own career's potential. However, over the course of the film, Treves comes to bond with Joseph. Hopkins plays one of his most internally tortured characters even if it's a subtle role; he comes to befriend Merrick and soon enough unveils the true facets of the story, that it's about the small acts of kindness one can provide to improve another's life, and the nature of friendship.

Hugely affecting due to Hopkins and Hurt's sublime performances, this is one film that is not easily forgotten.


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