Aquaman: Every Moment Pulled Straight From The MCU

1. Pretty Much Everything (Black Panther)

Aquaman Black Panther THor
Marvel Studios

From the design and color scheme of Atlantis being way too similar to Wakanda, to the structure of the plot as a whole, there are way too many similarities between Aquaman and Black Panther to even really keep track of.

Black Panther features two big comic book villains in the form of Klaue and Killmonger, who start the film working together. Aquaman has Black Manta and Ocean Master. Black Panther's entire narrative is about a king learning what it means to lead and how to respect his people, land, and heritage while also blazing his own path. Aquaman is about this (less than it thinks) as well.

Black Panther features a climax that sees warring factions of Wakanda coming to blows in a battle whose tide is turned by the inclusion of large CGI animals for the characters to ride, the hero, and a one-on-one fight between the hero and villain, in that order. Aquaman's climax does all of this in this exact order as well.

There's other more superfluous details, like how both films feature second acts that take the characters out of the central setting for a long-take-heavy chase sequence, but suffice it to say, there are a lot of similarities between these two films.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.