Aquaman & The Lost Kingdom Review: 3 Ups & 7 Downs

4. Almost The Entire Cast Is Wasted

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Warner Bros.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom touts a large ensemble cast, and yet does almost nothing worthwhile with anyone involved. Temuera Morrison gets a few brief moments to drop sage wisdom as Arthur's father Tom, but Nicole Kidman is basically just Basil Exposition as Arthur's mother Atlanna.

Patrick Wilson looks appropriately beefy as a rejuvenated Orm, but his banter with Arthur mostly feels forced and lacking in, well, everything.

Randall Park meanwhile has a surprisingly large role as Dr. Shin - who first appeared in the previous film's mid-credits scene - but the script doesn't even begin to take advantage of his comedic chops.

And then there's Amber Heard, who as reported earlier in the year has a seriously sized-down role as Mera.

Though she's technically "in" many scenes, it's clear that her presence on-screen has been largely cleaved away to occasional reaction shots for the most part, with Mera additionally spending half the movie benched following a near-death encounter with Black Manta.

And to top it all off, Willem Dafoe's Nuidis Vulko is conspicuously absent, with numerous references being made to his random off-screen death between movies. Boo.

Even accepting this as the paycheck movie that it blatantly is for most of the cast, this is a seriously criminal squandering of a talented ensemble.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.